What is Farming in Clash Of Clans ?
There was a time when clash of clans was a trendy game . But now some of COC players had moved to PUBG & left COC . Farming in Clash Of Clans is dropping down your trophies and get demoted to lower league. Farming in Clash Of Clans is also saving your loot from high league players or anyone . Why should one do farming in clash of clans? To protect loot or to get loot from lower leagues!
How To Do Farming In Clash Of Clans ?
In order to do Farming In Clash Of Clans you will need to drop your trophies or protect your loot .
I will pick Townhall & move it in the right bottom and i will be protecting my dark elixir and move it into the center and protect my loot ! Doing farming in Clash Of Clans is quite easy ! So now I have moved both of them and here how it\’s gonna look now
See Dark Elixir Loot is protected and Townhall is placed outside. Now trophy hunters will attack on your base and will see that you are doing Farming in Clash Of Clans so they will deploy 1 cheap troop like Barbarian , Archer Or Goblin maybe ! They will make you lose trophies and leave without looting the resources .
Farming In Clash Of Clans will protect your loot and will drop you to lower league too!
Recommend Things Before Doing Farming In Clash Of Clans
- Upgrade Your Walls – Make sure to upgrade your walls ! Upgrading them can at least protect the loot part in the center ! Max your walls in the center first.
- Clan Troops/Army – Always request for troops \”I need reinforcements\” if you don\’t even want to attack ! Sometimes if the opponent brings ground troops , then your Air troops from clan army would have 80% chance of cleaning them before they try to loot.
- Upgrade – Upgrade your defences regularly. Strong base can protect your loot from opponents if they don\’t have troop levels as per your base requirements 😉 .