Google AdSense: Challenges with Facebook and Telegram Inbuilt Browsers in August 2023


Google AdSense has long been a reliable source of income for website owners and vloggers alike. However, in August 2023, a new challenge has emerged for content creators who rely on AdSense for revenue. Some ads are not supported in the Facebook and Telegram inbuilt browsers, causing a significant drop in revenue. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this issue and provide potential solutions for content creators to mitigate the impact.

The Problem

Content creators using Google AdSense have noticed a sudden drop in their revenue in August 2023. The primary reason for this decline is that new ads served by Google AdSense are designed to open in new windows when clicked, and these clicks are not being counted when the ads are viewed within the Facebook and Telegram inbuilt browsers.

Reasons Behind the Issue

  1. New Ads Opening in New Windows: The introduction of ads that open in new windows is a deliberate strategy by Google AdSense to enhance user experience. However, this approach is not compatible with the inbuilt browsers of Facebook and Telegram, causing a disconnect in tracking and revenue generation.
  2. Technical Compatibility: The inbuilt browsers in Facebook and Telegram may not support certain features or tracking mechanisms used by Google AdSense, leading to a failure in registering clicks and interactions.

Impact on Content Creators

The impact of this issue on content creators has been substantial. Many vloggers and website owners have reported a sharp decline in their AdSense revenue, leading to financial setbacks. As a result, content creators are actively seeking solutions to address this problem.

Potential Solutions

  1. Use In-Feeds Ads Instead of Display Ads: Content creators can consider switching from display ads to in-feeds ads. In-feeds ads are less likely to be affected by compatibility issues with inbuilt browsers since they are integrated directly into the content feed. These ads often provide a better click-through rate (CTR) in such scenarios.
  2. Avoid Google Recommended Ads: Until the compatibility issue is resolved, content creators can opt to avoid using Google’s recommended ads. Instead, they can manually select and configure ad units that are less likely to face compatibility problems with popular inbuilt browsers.
  3. Monitor for Updates: Keeping a close eye on updates from Google AdSense is crucial. Google frequently rolls out updates and improvements to its advertising platform. Content creators should watch for any fixes or changes that address the compatibility issue with Facebook and Telegram inbuilt browsers.
  4. Diversify Revenue Streams: Reducing dependence on Google AdSense alone can be a prudent strategy. Content creators can explore other revenue streams such as affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or selling merchandise related to their niche.


The challenge of certain Google AdSense ads not being supported in the Facebook and Telegram inbuilt browsers in August 2023 has significantly impacted the revenue of content creators. To mitigate this issue, it is advisable for content creators to experiment with in-feeds ads, avoid Google recommended ads temporarily, and stay informed about updates from Google AdSense. Diversifying revenue streams can also provide a safety net during periods of revenue fluctuations. By adapting to these challenges, content creators can continue to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of online advertising.

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